Campaign for a Working Democracy reprints these articles from the New Unionist and other sources, with the written permission of Campaign for a Working Democracy (formerly the New Union Party).

As of a recent check 6/08 on the organization's web site, the URL is automatically redirecting to

Please note this clarification of purpose. This web site is an independent research project that has no formal affiliation with any political or economic organization. For this and all features at this site, the selection of articles is intended to illustrate the historical influence of Daniel De Leon's political/industrial program on how various authors have explained social issues over the years. Articles from past decades are selected, even if the news items have become moot, and even if the individuals and organizations have subsequently modified their viewpoints since publishing these articles. Furthermore, the selection of topics reflects the web site editor's interests, and therefore it doesn't necessarily reflect the actual proportions in which the excerpted periodicals have covered various issues.