Lewis Henry Morgan
- Selected quotations from Ancient Society
- Eric Hass, 1950 introduction to Montezuma's Dinner
- Commentary on Montezuma's Dinner, from the Weekly People, Nov. 21, 1970
- Letter to The People from Enrique Thunder Eagle
- Lewis Henry Morgan and Social Development, The People, Nov. 1997
- Prof. Michael E. Smith, letter in response to the article 'Lewis Henry Morgan and Social Development', and the editor's reply, The People, Apr. 1998
- marxists org : Ancient Society -- index to chapter files
- marxists org : Ancient Society -- entire book, download Microsoft Word document, zipped
- L. H. Morgan, Montezuma's Dinner: An Essay on the Tribal Society
of the North American Indians (1876) -- download Microsoft Word file
- Google ebooks : PDF file, image scan of the April 1876 issue of North American Review,
in which L. H. Morgan, Montezuma's Dinner was first published (article begins on page 265)
- Project Gutenberg : L. H. Morgan, Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines (1881)
- W. H. Holmes, Biographical Memoir of Lewis Henry Morgan, 1907 -- PDF file
- marxists.org :
Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (1884) -- index to chapter files
- Lewis Henry Morgan is mentioned in the following SLP publications -- PDF files
Date of the last update in this subdirectory: May 18, 2008